we have to adopt the best in every field and the bouquet is made by choosing, in the same way, we should make our life, the best of fewer flowers beautiful  And a fragrant bouquet should be made.  First of all, what is the best?  Listening is better than reading, doing is better than saying, the feeling is better than words duty is better than a feeling, grace is better than charity, non-attachment is better than renunciation, meditation is better than concentration, pain is better than pain.  It is superior, non-violence is superior to truth. Older men know everything in their surroundings and directed younger to do what he is telling but after some time they feel father was right.

A Look at the Psychology Behind Why Older Men are More Successful Than Younger Ones.-

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we have to adopt the best in every field and the bouquet is made by choosing, in the same way, we should make our life, the best of fewer flowers beautiful And a fragrant bouquet should be made. First of all, what is the best? Listening is better than reading, doing is better than saying, the feeling is better than words duty is better than a feeling, older man know everything in surrounding and directed younger to do what he is telling but after some time they feel father was right

Why Older Men are More Successful Than Younger Ones-

MR Nanna Kirmander, Psychologist –Did you ever ask your dad, ‘How old is old enough?’ You know what he’ll say: ‘If you’re tired of doing what you don’t want to do, your time is up.’ Older men succeed because they accept their failures with equanimity, thank them for giving them experience and know-how to grow on that experience… They know how to let go of the past. But younger men are much more flexible. They struggle to give up the past. They have a harder time recognizing what they’ve done right, and they get dispirited when they fail. The older men keep going, trying to improve, always looking for the next way forward. This is the main purpose of development possibilities. On the contrary, when you look around for new ways to get better. The best men know how to grow.

Older Men Know More Than Younger Ones-

Every human knows how to do everything but some simply do not have the knowledge of even half. It’s quite easy to say that young men should learn more and not be so careless with their lives but when it comes to the old men they have different feelings. They say that since they know so much, no one knows more than them and so they should take the lead in all fields. In fact, the feeling that they can do everything is one of the causes of this long-term upward thinking.

They Always Do Everything In Time

If someone says that they are going to do something at any time of the day, then there is not much need to do anything else except wait. If they say that they are going to do this and they don’t go on time, it is enough that they will do it later or tomorrow or not at all.

Advantages of Older Men-

Interact: Usually, we all love to do everything by ourselves, get acquainted, get respect, get comfort, achieve achievement. We even enjoy less, if someone offers assistance. But in today’s life, getting a new person for cooperation is a kind of giving pleasure for us, it brings happiness in our life.

Impart knowledge and make way; Ageing is a kind of maturity, it improves our feelings for other people, listens to their point of view with open eyes. We are not only listening, we may understand his/her feelings.

Different ways of solving problems;  We are not perfect but we have a way to solve any problem.

Listen to our hearts; Listening to your heart will be good for you.

Taste and see; When the youth go for others’ company, they spend more time on eating and drinking.

Good Or Bad Language?; You speak to people with care, the right words of encouragement for them.

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Disadvantages of Younger Men-

Men are not very good at telling their women about their life when they are doing wrong. We don’t want our women to know, how hard it is for us to settle down, we always try to tell our women everything. But when we are angry, when we feel pain, in other words when we have a failure, we never want our woman to know. We never have a failure in our life because it is not natural for us, a man should never make a mistake and confess it and tell his lady. Women like honesty, one can really see that if a woman knows how to ask a man what is wrong and when he replies, she would listen, she would have sympathy, she would console him. This is the best in the world.

Good Or Bad Language? You speak to people with care, the right words of encouragement for them.


The advantage of older men and women are not enough to even think about, therefore, we should not solely rely on the words and some legal reasons to achieve success and happiness in life but we should be positive and believe that with some positive measures and mindset, we could achieve our goal. The bottom line is always simple. Remember that when life gets too complex and stop overcomplicating everything. Divide the problem into its simplest form and it won’t be nearly that scary. It is courage that creates experiences, and those experiences then create a much stronger mindset. Do at least one thing every month that requires you to be bold and brave.

Now I will ask, “What is the best way of doing that” and will inform the answer in upcoming posts

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