CRACKING;HIGH CHOLESTEROL IS PROBLEM OF MAN, NOT  WOMEN- CODE ? Atherosclerosis(CHOLESTROL) typically occurs later in women than in men. CVD remains the leading cause of death in women. Health care professionals should consider women- specific conditions, as premature menopause (less than age 40) and pregnancy- associated conditions.

Differences Between Men and Women;


One of the most common misperceptions about high-cholesterol diet is that strictly a male disease. Since most women don’t get a significant amount of cholesterol in their diets. Cholesterol is equally damaging to women and men. Female-specific conditions, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), increase risk of blood clots. Women have a weaker heart structure and receive less oxygen during pregnancy. “Several genetic, physiological differences between men and women account for the differences in risk,”

Atherosclerosis in Women;

People with serious coronary artery disease should have the most comprehensive heart- related exam. The investigators reported that men with extremely high HDL levels – ranging from 97 to 115 – had a 36 percent increased risk of death. That risk doubled among those whose HDL exceeded 116. Women with HDL levels above 135 had a 68 percent increased risk. 

Statins for High Cholesterol: Needed?

Statins are most commonly for high cholesterol. Studies show a lack of evidence that statins decrease cardiovascular disease. The only studies to evaluating the effects of statins on the incidence of cardiovascular. Disease found no significant difference between statin users and nonusers for mortality. Statin users had similar survival rates as nonusers. Studies that provided the basis for their use sponsored by statin manufacturers.

LDL and HDL cholesterol;

Simply think of HDL as “healthy” and LDL as “lousy.” HDL can actually help carry cholesterol out of your blood vessels while LDL allows it to deposit inside your artery can change your cholesterol for the better.


here are 10 tips you can get started with today--. 
  • Have a nice sandwich on whole wheat bread or a pita with some lean turkey and lots of fresh veggies. Skip the hot dogs, bologna, and salami, and hold the Mayo. All of those are highly processed and filled with fat and cholesterol.
  • Fish, like salmon, is good. Look for wild red salmon varieties, which are very high in Omega-3 fatty acids (good fat.) Also, flax seed is a good source of Omega-3s.
  • Avoid Trans fats! Not only do they raise the lousy LDL cholesterol, they can also lower your HDL levels! Stay away from foods like margarine, shortening, and processed foods containing partially hydrogenated soybean oil.
  • Go ahead, go nuts! Look for walnuts mainly but also try almonds, macadamia nuts, cashews, and pecans. Nuts are high in fat, but it’s the good kind. (Also, use natural peanut butter instead of the normal kind which contains unhealthy Trans fats.)
  • Limit desserts and try to eat only the healthier ones like angel food cake, graham crackers, Jell-O, and fat-free frozen yogurt.
  • Eat foods that are high in fiber. Examples include whole wheat bread, oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, beans, and some cereals. (Look for the boxes that say “may help lower cholesterol.”)
  • Use the grill. If you’re going to have steak or burgers, grill them at home and use lean meat. This practice avoids the grease, is fun, and the meat tastes great.
  • Find a new salad dressing. Most of them are full of Trans fats and cholesterol. Olive oil is good, and maybe add vinegar or lemon juice. Also, skip the bacon bits, croutons, and egg yolks.

fruits and vegetables;

  • Go overboard on fruits and vegetables. They contain no cholesterol and they have lots of nutrients like antioxidants. Here are some examples: green peas, broccoli, cauliflower, apples, oranges, mangos, papaya, pineapple, tomato, garlic, onions, spinach, water chestnuts, bananas, apricots, blueberries, and kiwi.
  • Avoid fast food like french fries and anything else from the deep fryer. Those foods will raise your cholesterol like crazy, so stay away from the burger joints if you can.
  • Bonus tip: Use spices like pepper and oregano to add flavor to your dishes. They are a healthy alternative to other toppings like Mayo.


It is not true that – HIGH CHOLESTEROL IS PROBLEM OF MAN, NOT OF WOMEN. Indeed, studies have suggested that each increase of four milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg/dl) of HDL results in a 10 percent decrease in the risk of adverse coronary events. Both HDL and LDL (the “bad” form) cholesterol levels are influenced by heredity, diet, weight, exercise, age, gender, alcohol consumption, and stress.

Do you have high cholesterol and need to lower it? That is no surprise considering how many people have high cholesterol these days.As with anything health related, diet and exercise are the two crucial components. What you eat is critical to lowering your cholesterol levels, so that is what is included here.Just make some of these changes and get plenty of exercise like walking, jogging, swimming, or playing basketball. You will have lower cholesterol in no time! HIGH CHOLESTEROL IS PROBLEM

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