Subheading by sethkk01


1. Focus – Brain-Gateway to Thinking


BRAIN FOCUS THINKING GATEWAY–Focus, psychologists say, is the prerequisite for all other types of thought: perception, memory, learning, reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making. Your brain must first filter out distractions before you can engage in any of these other types of thought. Without focus, there is no clear thinking. The brain is the control center of our body. It controls everything we do, think, feel, and perceive. Our brains are responsible for processing information from our senses, making decisions, controlling movement, and storing memories. The brain is also the command center for the nervous system. When the brain receives signals from the body, it sends messages to other parts of the body via nerves. This allows us to move, eat, speak, and even think.

2. The Power of Focus

Focus is the ability to direct your attention towards a specific goal. In order to achieve any goal, you need to focus on that goal. You can’t just sit around thinking about what you want to accomplish; you have to actually get out there and work towards achieving it. If you don’t focus on accomplishing something, then you won’t be able to make it happen.

3. The Power of Brain

Our brain is the most complex organ in our body. It’s composed of billions of neurons connected by synapses. Neurons are cells that communicate with each other through electrical impulses called action potentials (AP). These APs travel along axons until they reach their target neuron. Synapses are specialized junctions where two neurons connect and transmit signals between them. They allow the brain to learn, remember, and perform many functions


  • About 75 percent of the brain is made up of water. this means that dehydration
  • Even in small amounts, it can have a negative effect on the functions of the brain.
  • The human brain will grow three times its size in the first year of life. it keeps on growing until you’re about 18 years old.
  • A headache is caused by a chemical reaction in your brain that is combined with the muscles and nerves of your neck and head.
  • Your brain uses 20 percent of the oxygen and blood in your body.
  • Alcohol affects your brain in ways that include blurred vision, slow speech, an unstable walk, and much more. these usually disappear when you calm down again. however, if you drink often for a long time, there is evidence that alcohol can permanently affect your brain and once again does not calm down. long-term effects include memory problems and some reduced cognitive function.

More on Brain Health

If the brain does not get oxygen for 5-6 minutes, it stops working forever.– It shows that if the brain does not get enough oxygen for 6 minutes, it stops working permanently. This information comes from Dr. Mercola’s “The Ultimate Brain Health Guidebook” There are many other videos like this, but I wanted to share this one because it was the first result searching “5 minute brain death”. we need oxygenated blood to function properly, and that oxygen is our fuel. He explains how oxygen gets into the body using different organs. Learn about how to increase your intake of oxygen through exercise and diet.

  • As we get older, the human mind gets smaller. this usually occurs sometime after middle age.
  • The human brain begins to lose some cognitive skills by the end of your memory abilities as well as by the end of the 20s.
  • A brain freeze this happens when you eat something or drink something that is cold. It pulls blood vessels and arteries to the very back of the throat, including the blood in your brain. These are compressed when they are cold and heated again, causing pain in your forehead.
  • Dreams are considered a combination of imagination, phycological factors and neurological factors. they prove that your brain is still working while you’re asleep.



1 -Pediatric Neurologist

ANSWER= (A) Types options
Explain:A doctor who studies the nervous system of children.


2 -Neuroscientists

ANSWER= (A) Types options
Explain: someone who studies the brain.



3 -Frontal Lobes

ANSWER= (A) Types options
Explain:a region of the brain behind the forehead-control panel of our personality and ability to communicate.


4- Myelin or “white matter” –

ANSWER= (A) Types options
Explain: A material that coats the outside of nerve cells.


5- brain chemistry –

ANSWER= (B) Types options
Explain: Chemicals in the Brain


6- Cognitive deficits /p>

ANSWER= (B) Types options
Explain: Lacking in the ability to think or understand


7-Cognitive baseline/p>

ANSWER= (A) Types options
Explain- Having the standard ability to think or understand


It’s a myth that humans use only 10 percent of our brain. we really use it. when we sleep we use more than 10 percent.—

.1- Our brains are actually responsible for many functions that we do not think they are. We have two hemispheres, the left and right side of the brain, but we use both sides of the brain together. They work independently of each other and communicate through pathways known as the corpus callosum. While we spend most of our time thinking about the left side of our brain, it is the right side that controls the majority of our body’s functions such as breathing, digestion, heart rate, etc. This means that we can make decisions based off of what our subconscious mind is aware of as well.

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2. In fact, when we dream, we can recall memories from both sides of our brain at once, allowing us to access them simultaneously. Also, studies show that dreaming has a positive impact on our health and memory. It helps people heal faster after surgery and reduces stress levels. As long as we are asleep, we are using our brains!

  • During human development, the size of the brain has tripled.
  • Your brain uses the same power as a 15-watt light bulb.
  • “Old minds are weak not because they are weak, but because they are more aware.”
  • Your brain uses only 2% of your body mass, but uses up to 20% of it blood.
  • The brain can survive for up to 6 minutes after the heart stops.
  • Your brain can’t feel the pain.

Human brain vs powerful supercomputer

Human brain can perform more computations per second than a powerful supercomputer.–

1. Human Brain –The human brain contains about 100 billion neurons that are connected to each other through synapses and form our neural network. Neurons communicate with each other using electrical impulses called action potentials (AP). On average, a neuron has 10,000 connections to other neurons. This means that the number of calculations that can be performed by your brain is mind-boggling!

2. Supercomputers— Supercomputers can do much more computation than the human brain. However, they have a lot of limitations, like size, weight, power consumption, and cooling requirements. Moreover, they require a lot of time and money to build. In contrast, the human brain can compute in real time and does not need any cooling system.

3. Compute Power –A typical computer chip only performs 1 million operations per second, whereas the human brain can compute approximately 15 billion times faster. A high-performance supercomputer may use several chips to increase its speed; however, this requires a large amount of energy.

Behaviors That Can Benefit the Brain

  • Stay socially engaged
  • Quit smoking
  • Find ways to stimulate your brain
  • Manage stress
  • Stay physically active
  • Get enough sleep (aim for at least seven hours)
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Control blood pressure and blood sugar levels

Cannabis —

1. Cannabis has been used for thousands of years as medicine. In ancient times, people used it to treat everything from pain to anxiety to depression. Today, scientists are still discovering how this amazing plant works. Some believe that cannabis may even help prevent some types of cancer. 2. Cannabis has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, making it a popular choice for those who suffer from insomnia. 3. There is evidence that CBD (cannabidiol) may actually slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. 4. Cannabinoids like THC and CBD have been shown to increase appetite and decrease nausea. This makes them great options for patients undergoing chemotherapy. 5. CBD oil may also be effective at treating PTSD. 6. Cannabinoids are anti-inflammatory and could potentially be used to treat arthritis. BRAIN FOCUS THINKING GATEWAY


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