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To give or not to sex education to a growing child is not a real issue. The real issue is whether this education should be given in school or not. The education system is such that students have to memorize a lesson by strangulation and write it in the exam. Every aspect related to sex cannot be taught properly in

Teaching Boys About Sexual Purit
Teaching Boys About Sex

school. All this school ONE teacher attend in the class, so, the child does go to the child talk. A teacher does not teach one by one out of 35 children in the classroom. A teacher should be clear of all queries of a child physically and mentally. While parents alone pay special attention to each family child and parents will be able to give full knowledge to. 


The right place for Education on sex is the child’s own home, that is, this knowledge should be given by the parents. The reason is–

1- Only a parent can tell the important and useful things of this subject in the right way to their child with intimacy and a fearless attitude. 

2- Second, they can also take into account whether the child reacts by listening to them, how the reaction is, whether that reaction is appropriate or inappropriate and also whether it reacts or not. 

Sex Ed Starts at 3
Sex Ed Starts at 3 class

3- Thirdly, whatever the child reacts, he can handle the matter in a proper and favourable manner and explain it to the child, otherwise only the parents can take such measures after considering it and reacting. 

4- It is not possible to have all this in that class of the school because he alone will not be able to pay special attention to one child while the mother cannot be given, because this knowledge is worth giving in a day, he will be able to understand the minute details of it. Be able to understand and understand it parents teach sex education at the home.

5-Whatever the child reacts, by institutionalizing it, the child does everything in a proper and favourable manner, otherwise only the parent can think and react to it.  

6-It more than this because he alone will be able to pay special attention to each and every child, his minute detail cannot be understood, because this knowledge is given gradually in a day

How to Make Sure You Are Raising
How to Make Sure You Are Raising

7-  In this subject, any school counsellor can guide the parents in this matter, how parents are inquisitive about this education to the children.

8-Questioning the question to parents- Always child has a questionIt may also happen that any parent is appropriate that in what words and with what bag should answer this question.  

Parents know the reality-

There is a teacher’s examination in sex education. only the parents know you and can tell the necessary and useful things about the benefits of a free-spirited attitude.  Parents kept in mind from others, how the child reacts by listening to their words, how he reacts. 

Role as counsellors-parents

Whether the reaction is fair or inappropriate and also whether the reaction is or is not.  whatever the child reacts, he can understand the child by handling the matter in a proper and favourable manner, otherwise, only the parents can consider this and take such measures so that they can react.  It cannot be given, because this knowledge is not worth giving in a day.  There is no such thing as any utility of the school in this matter.  

 CHILD curious keep asking questions on the question

Here you have answered and but the question arises.  It may also happen that in what words and in what manner someone should answer this question regarding sex right KNOWLEDGE. There should be a committee that can give proper guidance from the school to get counselling by the parents.  The government should do it in 2-3 more years of school and leave this education to the mother, Grandfather, G mother.

Health protecting sex education to child-

Supporters of sex education say that under this education, information about anatomy, reproductive institutions, contraception, contraception, sexual psychology, sex differences and sexual behaviour and the esoteric elements of love related to sexual activity should be given. Sex education is not just about debating how children are born, but it is meant to provide background information on how to raise children to be healthy, responsible and knowledgeable youth so that they can be rightly exposed to sex.

Moms and Sex Ed_ 7 Tips for Teach
Moms and Sex Ed_ 7 Tips for Teach

It is not believed that this purpose should not be fulfilled in such a way that its benefits are less and the consequences are more. No matter how good the work and its purpose maybe, if the method of executing it is wrong, inauspicious and indecent, then the result of that work cannot be good and if the result is not good then the result is also not good. Any work proves to be good only when its result is also good, so before doing the work, it is important to think thoroughly about the way of doing that work and its result. Keeping this fact in mind, it is necessary to consider the matter of sex. We have proposed the education of this subject with the title ‘Health Protecting Sex Education’ so that this education should not remain only as a discussion of sex-related activities, but keeping the protection of body and health on the main front.

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