Table of Contents


subject consist of many topic;

1-Discover the best immune system strategies for your immunity2-What to eat and what not to eat?3-Numbers of book encluding all segments to boost your and your family’s IMMUNE SYSTEM4-Protect your family against viruses come from outside5-You must know the real secret-NATURALLY- a simple techniques to boost from our BURNING KITCHEN6- How to deal with weak immunity considering our kitchen to boost  and protect the famil


1-family atmosphere is great when the family whole immunity is well
2-how to increase your kid’s  –   immunity

3-proper goal setting so that you stay motivated for immunity
4-how to deal weak members in order to calculate the illness
5-techniques to DE-STRESS and maintain

                                        Discover the best immune system strategies for your immunity

1-Discover the best immune system strategies for your immunity In our refrigerator are 4 types of bacteria which are potential allergens. Shutterstock Bacteria form a friendly neighborhood in our refrigerator. From the top it is an Oligonucleotide, the simplest form of life’s DNA. Then all the way down to the bottom of the refrigerator a miniscule White Spot on a piece of string, a blob of bacteria, a blob of yeast. On the other side of the light, in one of our bottom drawers a little Cube of bacteria, almost ready to embark on a new life on a new planet. We didn’t travel with our food to the grocery store.

What to eat and what not to eat

© Free Stock Photos This post deals with the “what to eat” part, using some macro nutrients and not the conventional from grains and legumes and pulses, ignoring an essential component in these huge- in- more protein form foods- sesame, water chestnut, etc. as they are great immune-boosting food, which would include vitamin A (D3), D (C), C (ascorbic acid), E, vitamin K (complexed with K), vitamin B (B2), and of course iron, zinc and iodine. We must always get these in an appropriate ration. (We’ll have this at 1/2 meals and 1/4 meals, 1/2 portions each day) Think “YES!

Numbers of book encluding all segments to boost your and your family’s IMMUNE SYSTEM

1-Discover the best immune system strategies for your immunity 2-What to eat and what not to eat 3-Numbers of book including all segments to boost your and your family’s immunity 4-Protect your family from viruses come from outside 5-You must know the real secret-NATURALLY- a simple techniques to boost from our BURNING KITCHEN 6- How to deal with weak immunity considering our kitchen to boost and protect the family You May Like: Is Your Kitchen Effective Enough To Combat Viruses? Viral Bacteria Is Killing Us All- Is Cooking The Basics For Viral Protection? Viral Isolates For General Health & Common Virus Protection: How to Protect Yourself from Viruses Eat Fluoride Free GOT NEWS? THERE IS NO VIRUS OR INFECTIOUS DISEASE – PERIOD! Why am I calling for your attention?

Protect your family against viruses come from outside

1. Most home-made vegetable purees are packed with all kinds of pathogens. Check out the vegetables and fruits which is puree and contaminates others, such as onion, garlic, green chili, eggplant, mango etc. Now, simply add a good quality garlic clove (not a minced one). Grate, grind or chop the clove on the clean floor. Now put 2-3 clove into a tomato puree and blend well. The same holds true for ginger and peppers. Add 2-3 slices of ginger on top of egg white before blending. Blend the above ginger paste and add 1-2 drops of lemon on top of blended egg white mixture. Blend well and serve in any type of ice cream. Do you remember the Harry Potter saga? Harry Potter can feel all right in his parents’ home, even in the most unbearable danger.

You must know the real secret-NATURALLY- a simple techniques to boost from our BURNING KITCHEN

WE DESERVE A SAFE LIFE JEOPARDY ALL THE TIME Don’t be surprised to see a team of cops that walks with you when you’re trying to do something. During a small talk, “Virus Expert” and “Virus Alerter” are readily accepted to run after you, to find out what you were doing, and what you had been doing. It may seem amusing at first, but then I started to get concerned about a possible epidemic outbreak.To many of the people I’ve met, Virus’s survival is all-important. To others, viruses are like tiny ants they wouldn’t want to know or get infected.People feel they have no control over such things as health issues. And, they sometimes just walk around with a nose in the air. They may also be “hygiene busybodies” who are a threat to their community.

How to deal with weak immunity considering our kitchen to boost

7-How to use the herbs like cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, etc.


You must make a conscious effort to stay safe and protected from viruses which could be the causal factors in some of the major outbreaks in the recent past. Your kitchen becomes a very good, quick and simple in-built immunization mechanism against all sort of illnesses.

Discover the best immune system strategies for your immunity

1-Discover the best immune system strategies for your immunity 2-What to eat and what not to eat 3-Numbers of book encluding all segments to boost your and your family’s IMMUNE SYSTEM 4-Protect your family against viruses come from outside 5-You must know the real secret-NATURALLY- a simple techniques to boost from our BURNING KITCHEN 6- How to deal with weak immunity considering our kitchen to boost and protect the family What Do You Do To Boost Your Immune System? 1-Rest Well 2-Get The Right Diet 3-Get The Flu Shots: Every Year 4-Wash Your Hands: Every 15 minutes 5-Do Not Consume Alcohol Or Eat In Unhygienic Bases 6-Stay Away From Viruses: Eat Only What is Planted 7-Stop Smoking! What Should You Eat To Boost Your Immune System?

What to eat and what not to eat

Virus Protection Outside Family: Have To Come Outside And What Lessons After Pendemic

Discover the best immune system strategies for your immunity

A good immune system can do wonders for your immune system. It can make us, with few changes, come out of germs and fight our body in defense to fight all the virus and viruses without any help from others. But this can only happen when we have a strong immune system. That’s why you must have to keep your family close to your home or stay home itself and help our immune system. Where Is the Best Place For Keeping our Immune System If we want to have a good immune system it is the best place in the world to keep our immune system intact. But there is one more thing that you have to keep in mind- Don’t panic and stay home only if you are in pain. The doctor has given you a miracle vaccine to avoid problems.

What to eat and what not to eat

In any case, Healthy diet is very important to support the immune system health and blood pressure.

Numbers of book encluding all segments to boost your and your family’s IMMUNE SYSTEM

Virus Protection Outside Family: Have To Come Outside And What Lessons After Pendemic

Discover the best immune system strategies for your immunity

Infection is a real threat at home and outside. It can kill you or change your identity. Yes, viruses kill us, cause pneumonia and serious ailments and in many cases it’s unavoidable, no matter how healthy you are. As we are born with strong immunity that can keep us healthy, but it is a constant battle to keep the protection constantly. Viruses could come in different sizes and shapes. Large viruses like influenza and SARS are capable of infecting a lot of people in a short span of time. Large viruses can be stopped by vaccines. You can get them vaccinated by a doctor. Your immune system can be only work as good as your diet. Unfortunately, many people today are eating a lot of junk food that’s full of unhealthy fats, sodium, sugar, and a host of chemicals. This makes the system weak.

What to eat and what not to eat

Virus Protection Outside Family: Have To Come Outside And What Lessons After Pendemic

Discover the best immune system strategies for your immunity

1- We are all familiar with the common viruses, but they are not just regular viruses. They are different types of viruses. Many of the viruses that cause flu are not the same viruses that cause common cold. 2- Our immune system uses the same defenses to protect us from ordinary viruses as it does to protect us from most illnesses. 3- The basic immune system of our bodies is the ability to produce antibodies, which are proteins that bind to invaders, foreign substances or anything that may cause harm to the body. Antibodies serve as an immune response to disease-causing viruses and bacteria. 4- A person has his or her own body’s antibodies protecting them from infection with viruses.

What to eat and what not to eat

6- I saw a show recently where there was a doctor who told this father that if the kids have eggs, especially scrambled eggs or boiled eggs, you will not have that acute diarrhea. What I told him is: if there are eggs in their meal, they will have diarrhoea all day and there will be a school the next day. What is your story? Parents’ testimonies: I was making fried rice that time for dinner and I mixed milk with cornflour. That night, all my children started vomitting. My wife almost passed out. I was so scared I thought my children have typhoid. So we rushed them to the hospital and when the doctor saw them, he said they have vomiting and diarrhea due to bacterial infection.

Numbers of book encluding all segments to boost your and your family’s IMMUNE SYSTEM

Treat Your Kids Naturally: Protect Your Family From Genetically-Based Sickness From Out There 1- The primary reason and the primary problem with growing children, whether they are girls or boys, is that we don’t pay them enough respect. 2- Eating healthy food, drink and keeping the water fresh can do a lot to stop the onset of all kinds of infectious diseases. 3- Your intestines have a lot to say to what the intestines produce. Proper hydration by keeping the water fresh is the key to fighting a lot of diseases. 4-Milk provides protein and calcium that form the foundation of our body. Healthy diet and plenty of milk provide you a constant supply of nutrients to your young ones.

Protect your family against viruses come from outside

1-Detoxification System: 2-The trick of detoxification is to deactivate the reactive agents that result in infection from outside. 1- For breaking sicknesses and immune disorders: Chlorine, Salts, and Arsenic and other metal. 2- How to detoxify your home for overcoming sicknesses or immune disorders is by using products with Natural ingredients which are either called as organic or NATURAL ACTIVITIES. Some of the Organic cleaning products which you must know and use in your kitchen are Mineral makes -Extract- Lemon Eucalyptus and other herbs.This is an easy-to-use product which you may try and gives great results in how to break illnesses from your homes.

You must know the real secret-NATURALLY- a simple techniques to boost from our BURNING KITCHEN

Virus Protection Outside Family: Have To Come Outside And What Lessons After Pendemic

1-Discover the best immune system strategies for your immunity 2-What to eat and what not to eat 3-Numbers of book encluding all segments to boost your and your family’s IMMUNE SYSTEM 4-Protect your family against viruses come from outside 5-You must know the real secret-NATURALLY- a simple techniques to boost from our BURNING KITCHEN 6- How to deal with weak immunity considering our kitchen to boost and protect the family

Discover the best immune system strategies for your immunity

Two months after hepatitis A cases surfaced in the Philippines, where at least 20 percent of the population is infected by hepatitis A, The Daily Star reported that there are still 70,000 people in the Philippines that have not been vaccinated. The measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine is the only available way to protect against the deadly infection which can cause life-long disabilities. New infected cases are recorded every day and these can be prevented if the vaccines are available. Some doctors and nurses even advocate for more vaccinations to prevent the disease. So, how do you have your hepatitis A vaccine? Even if there’s no known cure yet, a person can avoid serious health problems if he gets a vaccination. And no need to worry about the side effects of the vaccination.

What to eat and what not to eat

Restaurants that are frequented by youngsters of school and college age are the most vulnerable for making their little children become carrier of germs. Many youngsters become carriers of germs like Chicken pox virus that is transmitted mostly at places frequented by youngsters. The best way to avoid the chickenpox is to be immunized as soon as you are exposed to the virus and then prevent the new infection through repeated immunization. As the immunity of a person is boosted, the immune system helps them against the reactivation of the virus, which allows the person to not get any secondary infection like with chickenpox. The latest measles vaccine has the effectiveness of up to 99% against all strains of the virus.

Numbers of book encluding all segments to boost your and your family’s IMMUNE SYSTEM

Do not waste your health budget because of fake, pirated or cheap book like those you receive every so often from the online portals. Find real education that is affordable at an affordable price with best quality in the market place of today and not the cheap knowledge of 1 out of 10. They are cheap but provide you a fact that you will soon run into problems later. Try not to waste your money on books that are written by university or best research in the state of the world. It is time to be smart with our budget. Getting many good books to boost your immune system should be our goal.

Protect your family against viruses come from outside

In 2011, avian flu virus, which was contagious and dangerous, proved itself to be another reason for parents to be wary of the bird and birdseed businesses. The virus got started when farmers in South Korea consumed infected bird meat or noticed respiratory problems in their birds. A spike in the mortality rate of the chicken caused prices to soar, increasing the prices of chicken in the US by 7 percent. This sudden price surge showed that raw chicken from chickens bred outside the US was the reason for the low-quality chicken. Now, the US poultry industry would like to introduce enhanced, indigenous birds to the market and bring prices back down. By doing so, the American poultry industry will be able to raise poultry meat without the burden of contaminants.

You must know the real secret-NATURALLY- a simple techniques to boost from our BURNING KITCHEN Facebook: For any query, you can email at: – Pune, Maharashtra – 41107318175 [email protected] Mobile: +919822982693 With every passing day, more viruses are circulated throughout the world. Globalisation and air travel have led to these viruses rapidly spreading and wreaking havoc among us. You may come across individuals that come down with a variety of colds and viral infections from time to time and you may be seen loitering out. You must always come back to the point that to come back to the point that to come back to the point that it has nothing to do with your hygiene habits, food, sexual history, etc.

How to deal with weak immunity considering our kitchen to boost

How To Boost immunity safely from From Our Burgeoning Kitchen Regularly wash your hands frequently, anytime any objects come into the kitchen, be sure to always use salt or warm water when you wash, rinse thoroughly and do not neglect any kitchen disinfectant. Sweeping kitchen is the best cleanser and disinfectant in the world, in order to eradicate bacteria from the environment, clean all hard and sticky surfaces. Many medicines are very dangerous to children and pregnant women and so they should avoid using medicines with dangerous side effects, such as cephalosporins, or betamethasone. If they cannot avoid these, they should consult their doctors and ask for alternatives, such as using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen.


Every food is suppose to get damaged and you must know the consequences of every factor that influences your life. Make sure to protect your family and your immunity.

Discover the best immune system strategies for your immunity

1-Define the right PH balance for you and your family 2-How to raise the system to fight the germs 3-The most effective and safest natural immunity boosting techniques 4-What other components must you have in your kitchen to fight the germs and boost the immune system? 5-Which includes consuming many kinds of nuts such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc. 6-Consuming food such as whole grain cereal, apples, dates, berries, acorns, goji berries, dried apples, etc. 7- Get the way and the raw fiber to boost your immune system 8-Vitamin C rich supplements for boosting immunity 9- Boost your immunity with naturally increasing blood levels of vitamin D 10-Avoid organic honey 11-High-quality probiotic rich foods like dandelion, chicory root, kiwi, camu camu, etc.

What to eat and what not to eat

Mycelium appears to be a spore-like growth of a fungus (fungi are ‘organisms’). It is mostly found in woody organic matter, and is the fungal equivalent of an infection. It can infect a wide variety of plant life, from trees to vegetables. You can collect mycelium as food in the form of “fungal wafers”, or it can be grown on culture plates. Mycelium can also be eaten raw, including the stem and root. Raw food isn’t recommended, however, as the large amount of nutrients (like B vitamins) means the ingestion of this food could negatively affect the immune system. Fruit can be eaten raw, but avoid seeds or nuts if you’re sensitive to them. As a rule of thumb, fruit should be washed with water and allowed to dry before consuming.

Numbers of book encluding all segments to boost your and your family’s IMMUNE SYSTEM

Health books contain many new tricks, remedies and options to improve and protect. But there are so many mishaps regarding new studies, experiments and simply no answer or solution. Therefore, you’ll find new amazing ingredients, treatments and devices to be introduced on the health book, which are designed to increase your immunity. But it is also not enough to simply keep on utilizing all of them because in the end, you’ll waste so much time researching and at the same time, you’ll give more chance to your lazy habits. Some new ingredients may be destroyed by some other disease. Some treatments may also come with side effects and many other side effects.

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