Vertigo defination;Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or swaying that can cause dizziness and may lead to nausea, vomiting, or tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Vertigo results from a problem in the inner ear.;860x340

The results came to be that there was one tumor which was not danHi all, i a 30yr old i was diagnosed with vertigo about 7-8 years ago. I felt dizzy whenever i stood up or went up stairs but nothing abnormal but after my cousin had her baby at around 12-13 month and I was sitting next to her to watch her while she was nursing her baby she gave me the piece  of her leaf to look at, the leaf began to move and I felt so strange, so did my mom. I told my mom to get me to my Doctor and my doc told me that there was a very rare condition which was new and people did not know about it. My mom and me went to get an MRI of my brain. He told me that i need to be operated at the earliest else i will be thrown into a coma. I was then admitted to a hospital. When the surgery was to take place i started having nightmares and couldn’t sleep properly. I was also having morning anxiety. When i finally got out from the hospital i was advised to go to the therapy and see the doc and a psychiatrist as it was a mental illness. Two months later i had another attack. I started to get hallucinations and an overabundance of fear which made me very agitated. I then decided to visit a spiritual teacher. He told me to meditate and told me that it is very important to know the inner self so I started meditating and after that i started to have normal sleep. Since then i started to get well and people who understood about the condition used to tell me that it was my inner self which was repressing the problem. I started to feel better after sometime and returned to my normal life.

Positional Vertigo Get Medical Help
Vertigo  is caused due to damage of a small area of the brain. Normally, the main side of the brain sends messages to the top of the brain, which controls vision and balance. However, when the bottom of the brain, where your balance centers are located, is damaged, the signals are not transmitted properly. Because your brain doesn’t know if you are standing up or lying down, it becomes confused and causes vertigo. The vertigo is caused when fluid is pushed up from your ear into your brain. Normally, it is absorbed by your muscles, but if there is no fluid, the fluid remains in your head and can cause vertigo. To deal with the vertigo, you have to stay still, take lots of fluids, and rest. Your dizziness may be occasional, or you may be dizzy all the time.
Normal (non-dizziness) vertigo: You may experience a sharp, shooting-type vertigo, or you may feel weak or confused, especially when you get up.
Frequent vertigo: If you have frequent vertigo or if the vertigo becomes more severe, you may have neurological problems.
Dizziness that causes you to lose balance or fall: This is called orthostatic intolerance. This vertigo can be triggered by some medications, a heart condition, high blood pressure, sleep disorders, anemia, fatigue, anxiety, alcohol abuse, dehydration, or brain tumors.Vertigo Treatment with Simple Exercises
What it feels like:  The dizziness usually hits you when you are standing up, but it can sometimes be felt when you are lying down.
How it is treated:  When you are standing up, drinking lots of fluids and taking vitamins can help. You can ask your doctor if you can try medication to help balance your heart and blood pressure. Losing weight can also help. Many people find that moving their mattress to the left or right helps with the dizziness. This will also help you to move more in bed at night, helping you to fall asleep more easily.
I suffered from vertigo for a week but only on the left side. Is this a symptom of an ear infection? Thank you. I’m young and I’m suffering from a constant headache which seems to have no end, along with dizziness and nausea but I’ve read that both of these could be side effects of medication . If This problem is one of the symptoms of the sudden change in level of different spheres in the human body. These spheres are the space around the body and the air or space around the body a Space The space around the body i.e  the atmosphere. b. Air Air which surrounds the body i.e the space around the body.  When a massive amount of energy is emitted from any of the three planes, a huge amount of pressure is placed on the volume of air which surrounds the body. The pressure of this energy is then split into three parts, all falling on the same spot, creating a hole or a black hole. When all the three get enough force on a given place, the shape of the hole changes, and that is when vertigo occurs .Kind relation with other ind problem;The 1 Cause of Dizziness Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo BPPV Diagnosis Treatment
Most common nervous system disorder in USA. Worldwide prevalence 1 in 7 Americans. (1) Makes up 2% of all the psychiatric patients in USA. Common subtype D of Meniere’s Disease. (2) Bilateral (both sides) – Common in common with Alzheimers. (3) Brain structure: Good result for older (less than 70 years) patients with Meniere’s. Good results for younger patients with Meniere’s. In more elderly patients, repetitive Tilt Balance (TVT) therapy is required.  In much cases of vertigo, even after treatment, symptoms may persist. Half the time, symptoms last longer than 2 years. (1) When it comes to vertigo and depression, you do not know who to believe. There are no magic solutions for these 2 problems. D.Y.N.
When you are aware of your general well-being balance has to be maintained. Similarly, balance the nervous system to stabilize the brain functions. Once Equilibrium is lost, the internal bodily system is thrown out of balance. In that case, the person gets dizzy and stumbles, resulting in the person feeling weak, confused, or even possibly unconscious. This is called vertigo. The dizziness and the subsequent confusion may be due to many factors. One factor is usually hypertension and another may be the deficiency of potassium, which is found in green leafy vegetables and in broccoli. In fact, severe over-consumption of potassium-rich food and drugs, such as amphetamines, may trigger vertigo.Ringing in ears when quiet
How it treat;
Treatment is done with a high dose of vertigo drugs for some time. if vertigo lasts for 2 days, treatment with medication and vertigo become permanent, you can continue the treatment for 2 weeks and get rid of it. if vertigo lasts for 3 days to 1 week or more than 3 days and it become permanent, you can stop the treatment. Most of the time vertigo happens with a sudden twist or sudden change in position of your body and you see a spinning sensation and even sometimes you feel like something is pushing your head from the back. Vertigo can happen while you are asleep or while you are awake. Causes of vertigo In our daily life we mostly suffer from vertigo and other mind problem. According to the research on the Google, vertigo is the most common form of dizziness.

Permanent solution;.1. Vertigo (2nd Sight)  and its diagnosis This problem usually occurs during very strong gust of wind, sudden drops in temperature, cloudy day, and smog. It is very rarely occur during ordinary weather. Here comes another two distinguishing signs of Vertigo or Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS).  Normal state: You are able to walk without any problems, you can see and you can see properly. (Situational): You are able to walk but with limitation. You can only walk a few steps before you feel pins and needles. Severe: You are unable to walk any steps, You fall down. You may look far but can’t see anything, you can feel pins and needles but you cannot see it, you can hear but can’t recognize the words.

Blood pressure; Joints Headaches Stroke Acute vertigo Vertigo Warning Signs Extreme flinches or jerking movements Heave or wincing Feeling of instability Severe vibrations or buzzing in ears Fainting or feeling out of control Visual disturbances such as clouding of vision or flashing lights Early symptoms of vertigo, sometimes called “camera syndrome,” can be subtle, and symptoms may develop over a period of hours or days. A person may experience a slight headache, a sensation of lightheadedness, or a feeling of spinning or of moving backward and upward. Vertigo is frequently accompanied by these symptoms but may not be apparent at all. If vertigo develops suddenly, or if you feel as if you are about to faint, get to a comfortable position and lie down.

Anxiety, depression cause;  Some people who have an increase of anxiety or have social phobia feel dizziness and vertigo when they are confronted with different social situations or even when they see things that are not even there. Without prevention there is little that can be done to improve the condition but treatments that target the symptoms can help.,

ConclusionIn simple ways it is clear that this is psycio-neoro mind problem I am also suffering from this disorder and come to this conclusion that instead of regular observation of a good neorologist, the simple excerzise and yoga for atleast 45 minutes is very important and avoid tension and believe in the divine power.

Have a beautiful day;  . click to more—————————-

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